Monday, December 7

Holy Crapoli!

So, my sweetest friend Erin texted me earlier today:  "Congrats on making ReadyMade's top 5!!!!"  What?!  What?!  So, I've been dying all day to find internet in this giant land of Chicago, and sure enough, there I am!  I'm so excited!  I looooove ReadyMade Magazine and I think being featured on their blog is a little bit awesome. :)

I'll have a biiiiiigggg blog post soon, I promise.  In the meantime, we are hitting vintage guitar shops all day in celebration of Johnny's bday yesterday.  :)  Headed out of the car and trying to stay warm... xo Katie


  1. Congratulations! That's awesome.

  2. Congrats on Ready Made! What a GREAT accomplishment! I found your blog today through a blog of a friend of a friend (etc) and I've been loving reading all your posts!!! I ABSOLUTELY am obsessed with deer and I LOVE your fawn ornaments! I love all your little animals I've seen on your page! I'm going to check out you Etsy shop now and I'm a follower!

  3. Grats, Katie!!! So exciting!

  4. Congrats! How exciting!
    My new owl is very happy in my sewing room. :)
