Monday, November 30

Monday Went Fast

The countdown to Chicago is on! Monday is going quickly, and I'm sure Tuesday and Wednesday will be the exact same story, and then I leave on Thursday. Today's agenda: get bags (delivered by my sweetie friends Erin and Will), 5 mini girl narwhals and 5 mini boy narwhals, assemble necklaces, and stop staring at the table filled with my wares in the living room ;). Yes, it is true, I was freaking out (AGAIN) last night, so J went and borrowed a 6 ft table, set it up in my living room, and let me go at it. And, if I can say this about my own stuff, it looks amazing! It's just as I had imagined it. Like a tiny shop of Skunkboy Creatures. Eeeeee! Here's a sneak peek, please keep in mind how infinitely better it looks in person. These were low resolution-flash on kinda pics.

I also took down the fall wreath and put up the Christmas one. I loooooove my Christmas wreath! It makes it officially feel like the Christmas season has started!

I have lots and lots to do, so I'd better get started. See you tomorrow! xoxo Katie

Sunday, November 29


I was talking to someone recently about friends, and the limitations we want to put on friendships. That old saying "friends and business don't mix" is a bunch of malarkey, if you ask me. How many of us have incredibly talented friends who can help make our dreams and visions reality? Remember my pretty owl bag from Joy? My friend Elsie is helping me out with a t-shirt design (yes, I will have t-shirts soon!), which I'm incredibly excited about, and my friend Eric has been assisting me with my suitcase shelves. It has been a long process (mostly because I could not decide on fabrics...), but they are finally done!!! I love them. Like, ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM. They are going to be perfect for Renegade!

Pretty, pretty, pretty! I actually think the tree case is upside down in the picture, but you get the idea. I thought this was fun- Johnny was shooting me while I was shooting these...

Of course, there is Lucy... she is always in the way...

Ah, so thankful for my new, toasty warm coat. It's chilllllly today... and I love it! I hope you have a great Sunday. I'm jumping off to go sew up more little things for Renegade. I leave on Thursday!!! xoxo Katie

Friday, November 27

A Happy Thanksgiving, Indeed

You know how holidays can be- usually (at least!) a little awkward for whatever reason (or reasonssssssssss). Yesterday was no different, but I have to say, I just try and enjoy what I can, because I know I always have this friend around:

A CONSTANT reminder of real family. :) I hope your Thanksgiving was absolutely wonderful. Things to check off on my list today: eat leftovers with J's family, renew this red on my head, you know- work, of course :), and run around like a banchee with my little partner in crime. Happy (BLACK) Friday! xoxo Katie xoxo

Thursday, November 26

Giving Thanks

Some things that I am thankful for:

1. My Sweetie Family.

2. Friends that make you really happy to have friends. :)

3. My very small and wonderful business.

4. You. No, seriously. You. :) You listen to my ramblings, encourage me, and keep me inspired. Thank you. <3 source

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. And remember, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. xo Katie

P.S. I am also thankful for: red hair, stripey tights, pretty pictures, great music, records (!), alllllll of my vintage keyboards, roller skates, the interweb, accordions, thrifting, best little buddies, pizza, and lots and lots of other things. :)

Tuesday, November 24


Okay, so I never say OMG. Like, never. It wasn't ever something I identified with, and I jumped on the texting bandwagon way late, so I guess it never took. OMG is how I feel this week. Man, there is so much happening... so much great stuff, and so many stressful things that could take you down in one sweeping motion, if you let them. I WILL NOT let them. I'm forced this year to choose between families for Thanksgiving, because my family decided they just want to have theirs at the EXACT SAME time as J's family. Yeah... nice, right? We've had this worked out for almost 10 years now, you would think everything could just be smooth sailing. Nope nope. That's not the only bit of stress, just the only one I'm at liberty to share.

(This made me really sad. I remember how hard being a kid is sometimes. Hope is a lot more well-adjusted than I EVER was. I had a really hard time as a kid... extremely shy, no friends, and very easy to tease. I made it, though, like most kids do. I need to remember that even though being a kid can be super fun, it can be very difficult sometimes, too. )

My Renegade prep is almost coming to an end. I received 3 animals in the mail today- ones I had sent off to be in the next issue of Stuffed Magazine, so that's a bonus! My suitcase shelves are being assembled this week, so I'll have pictures when they are finished, and I made my table banner last night. Just a simple little paper thing, but simple is fantastic at this point!

Yesterday, J took me AWAY from my work so I could be a real person for half of the day and we went thrifting. Miss Erin accompanied me and we found some frigggggin' amazing treasures. Okay, just one made me lose my breath for a moment, but it made my whole day. :)

I'm in love with this wool blankie with pretty embroidered flowers and yellow fringe!

A sparkly deer to sit atop my newly framed Pepperminte pics? Yes, please!


An Enid Collins box!!! I love this design. Like, it's either my fav or at least in my top 3! It was super cheap, too. That made it even better!

My studio is starting to overflow...

I can't even use my desk anymore! That's alright. It's what you want before a craft fair!

Sorry for the sad-looking photos. I don't even begin to have the energy to set-up and make things look pretty. I just shot them as-is, in bad lighting... Anyway, I'd better get to work. Several of you are waiting on ornaments. Good news- half will ship out today and half tomorrow!

Happy Tuesday!!! xo Katie

Sunday, November 22


Ha ha, if you saw me right now you might think I was a crazy person. You also wouldn't be the only one calling me crazy around here... I'm stitching up orders, making extras for Renegade in TWO WEEKS (!), and trying to cram in a ton of extracurricular projects. I don't know what my brain thinks it's doing, I don't have time for extras! I've been making it, though. I had J pull off my old (uggo) headboard and I strung up some lights and pretties to make my bedroom a little nicer.

If you could see the rest of the table that the lamp sits on you would see my HUGE mound of fabric. My bed is where I do most of my work right now. I'll show you the rest when I can... I want to get totally finished soon, soon!

I spent most of my day today finally spray painting the shelves and picking fabric for the suitcases. I CANNOT wait until they are finish. It's going to be absolute magic!

(never a dull moment...)

Speaking of magic, there are so many amazing things getting ready to happen: major birthdays, anniversaries, new tattoos, ultra special gifts being arranged... I'm so ready to share everything, but I can't just yet. Well, it is time for me to get back to work. I'm gone tomorrow, but I will be back for you on Tuesday. *kissies* Katie

Friday, November 20

The Big 500 & Style School!

So, tonight I hit 500 sales! I am so excited! I jumped up and down and up and down- it was great... well, it is still great! This gal is stoked!

Also, I am a featured person in Elsie and Leigh-Ann's style school. I am super excited about this, too! It has just been a good day full of progress, and potential collaborations (details soonish!), and a bench mark number in the shop. All smiles from me.

I hope your weekend is super duper magic. I'm going to sew up some more owl brooches and make my room a little prettier. It really is about time. <3 <3 <3 Katie

Thursday, November 19

Losing My Mind

So, as I slowly lose my mind...

...just kidding. This is how I felt yesterday, though. I really thought I could not stitch another stitch, or jab my finger with my needle one more time without absolutely going crazy. Today I am better. Today, I left the house for the first time since like, Sunday. A very smart friend invited us to lunch today, and after I had already explained why I was too busy and why I just had to pass, I came to my senses. "Katie, you are going crazy because you inflict your work on yourself! It's so okay to clear an hour for lunch!" So that is exactly what I did. Annnnd, it was great. Though, when I walked out of the house I felt like a vampire experiencing sunlight for the first time. SOOOO BRIIIIGHT.

Anyway, the update was successful today! I am 3 animals away from 500 and I'm very excited! The thought of hand stitching 500 animals is insane! At least for my two hands it feels unreal. So, ornaments are in the shop if you want to snag one. I think the penguins are all sold out, but the rest are still available.

Have a lovely evening! I'm about to leave my house for the second time today. Oh, my! ;)
xoxo Katie

P.S. "Losing My Mind" is also a really great Black Crowes song off of Lions. You will have to pause my side bar player, but I think it is worth a listen. :)

Wednesday, November 18

Ornament Update Tomorrow!!!

Just a reminder: the ornament update is tomorrow at 1:00pm, central time. You will see a couple of these:

A few of these:

A few of these:

And a couple of these:

You won't see any of her, but I thought I'd share anyway, just because she's so dang cute!

Be sure to pop over to Red Velvet Art tonight to check out their update! There will be so many cute new things, and you may just see me! :)

Photo by Alec Vanderboom, bear ears from RVA

Have a good night. I'll be up late sewing again! xoxo Katie xoxo