Friday, October 9

Weekend Kisses.

Hello, everyone! I CANNOT believe the weekend is here already! I
think it was having house guests until Wednesday that threw me
off, but I can't get back into the swing of this week.
Add to that more house guests tonight, thrifting in the morning and
birthday bash tomorrow evening, and that makes for one busy and
quick weekend. That's good though, keep busy and... er... uh... I
don't really know a saying for that one. Maybe I'll make some of
these tonight:

Possibly not, but they sure are pretty. And Hope looooooves to do
crafts together. :)

Have a relaxing weekend, friends. I will be doing my best to stay
toasty. We finally broke down and kicked on the heater a bit today.
It's a chilly one! xoxoxo<3 Katie


  1. thanks for the pinwheel link- grace had mentioned their tech ed class was going to be making windmills next week, but she had no idea how to begin making something like that. Now she has an idea to work off!

    haha my word was : sillyror

  2. thank you for posting that autumn playlist. that "say please" song was quickly downloaded onto my ipod after discovering it on your blog and has been on repeat ever since. love it!
