Thursday, October 22

Fall and Pandas

This dreary weather has been making me so sleepy. It's rainy and cold (again-- but NOT complaining), and though I feel like I'm chugging black tea, I think I could nap at any second of the day. I did manage to complete a few things. First off, the fall garland I mentioned yesterday. It makes my living room look a little more autumny, which I love.

I also finished my little panda! I'm really excited about this one-- I've been loving bears lately, but have felt that I couldn't do one justice. A panda was just the thing I needed- now maybe I'll be brave enough to make a sweet little bear. :)

I adore his over-sized bow tie! It's my favorite thing besides the contrasting patterns. He's still without a name-- I find myself drawing a blank these days. It's probably because I've named so many of these little guys by now.

I think I'm going to go make some more homemade hot cocoa, light some pretty candles, and enjoy this autumn evening. I hope you get to do the same. <3 Kate


  1. i am falling in love with your blog and your fun and adorable projects. too cute.

  2. He looks like a Professor Buckley to me! So sweet and smart looking with his little bow tie

  3. love the little panda! and the garland is awesome...will have to make mine soon!

  4. I love that garland!! You will have to teach me. I can't wait to see your bear. That is Will's favorite animal (my second favorite). :)

  5. thank you so much for the garland link - my friend and I used to make these for hours, but I didn't know what they were called or how to find instructions - now I can teach my daughter

  6. I love the garland you'll have to show us how you made it. OOOOHHH and the panda is just too cute. I was thinking what about Peter Panda?

  7. I think you should name him Simon or Peter. It would be so darn cute. Love the bow tie. He does look like a professor. Professor Buckley would be cute. I am not taking credit for that though. Clover and Jane came up with the name. :)

  8. Hello Katie! I have a great name for this little guy: Banda. aka, baby Panda! My friends once convinced me that baby pandas are named Bandas and now Banda is the cutest name ever!! Good luck!
