Friday, September 4


I got to spend just a split second in the best flea market ever today and scored this:

I was SO happy when I walked out. It's more sea-foamy than the picture would lead you to believe. I had it for about an hour, got it out to show it off, and the casing that it is housed in wasn't completely latched, so when I set it down to open it there was a terrible crash. Now it doesn't work. I cried a little.

Anywho, the reason you are here-- the winner of the giveaway:
First of all, thank you all for the submissions. I've loved this contest. I had such a hard time choosing a winner that I'm gonna go ahead and pick 2. Here they are:

Jayme McGowan.
I can't help but love Arcade Fire, and she sent me a link to a live performance on YouTube. They are one of my all time favorite bands to watch live! So great.
P.S. I also loved Heartless Bastards and St. Vincent. Awesome choices.


She sent me a link to a Beirut Take Away Show that not only was delightful, led me to find Bowerbirds. Now I can't stop listening to them.

Thanks for playing! I'll be doing another giveaway in the near future. Angela, please send your address to Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!

P.S. Sorry the sizing of this text is all screwed up. I can't get it to fix.


  1. I enjoyed this experience of sharing and discovering new music, fell in love with Regina Spektors song, must download it tonight...thanks for choosing this theme

  2. oh and Congrats to the winners - havent gotten to your offerings yet but look forward to them!

  3. Congratulations winners!

  4. SHUTUP!
    i will send my info to you as soon as i press send here :)
    beirut and arcade fire for life!
    i saw beirut in montreal this past july. i arrived while the opening band was playing and a few moments later, a tall, dirty-blond guy dressed in black walked in and stood next to me. i just about passed out.
    it was wynn butler from arcade fire.
    the only thing that could've made that experience any better would've been if 1.) he had the band with him and they played 2.) beck walked in alongside wynn.
    arcade and beirut are hands down my two faves.. it makes me smile to see them as your winners :)
    and me!

  5. I really enjoyed this, too! B- that Regina Spektor song is one of my guilty pleasures. The piano and nakedness of that song is just gorgeous.


  6. Woohoooo! So glad you liked these - had you heard Heartless Bastards before? I knew you were a Jenny Lewis fan so I thought you might like them. And Beirut - love them too! Angela's story is awesome... I'm so jealous. ;)
