Friday, July 31

Goodbye, Lovely State

We are leaving bright and early in the morning (again!)... like, 4am. I really should start sleeping the night before flying, then maybe I could control those pesky panic attacks at the airport. You know you've loved a vacation when you really aren't ready to leave. No part of me wants to go yet... I'm not homesick, maybe a little friend sick, but I could use a few more days here. Typing this out is actually making me a little weepy, which is a strong indicator that I should be resting my eyes. Oh, well. We had an absolute blast with our lovely friend Christin, made some more along the way, and actually met someone who has never heard of St. Louis and has no idea where Missouri is. Hee, hee... it's been quite amusing. I guess I can't really blame him. :D

Tuesday we went to Ocean City. My little one had never experienced the ocean, so it was even more fun that I could have ever imagined!

If the Lake of the Ozarks had an ocean, we could be Ocean City. ; ) We have all of the bumper cars, greasy food, and tacky souvenirs. All that's missing is the salty water and giant waves (you know, the best part).

We also made a second appearance in Philadelphia. That day is was RAINY! It poured on us, so we missed the park and spent only a brief time on South St. But we did eat at an amazing Chinese place (the name has escaped me), and Hope insisted on using her plastic chopsticks. It was quite amusing... and oh, so cute.

Of course we had to leave with an entire pie from Lorenzo's, and when we got home Johnny ate 3 of those giant pieces! He had such a belly ache!

I have lots, lots, lots more pictures to share, including fun times in Reading and the adventure we had there. I'll see you soon! xoxoxo <3 Katie

Sunday, July 26

PA Some More!

We've been having the loveliest time with our friends. Here are a few more pics of what we've been up to (I'm not used to having this little camera around all the time, so I keep forgetting about it and missing opportunities for fun photos...)

We had the most gorgeous day yesterday, so the park was a perfect fit... of course, we did choose to fill our stomachs with giant burritos chased by ice cream before we went... ugh...

I made a sweet weed flower crown and listened to lots of Love at the End of the World, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, and Wincing the Night Away...

The ice cream truck came for a visit, which pleased Hope more than anything.

After getting all hot and sweaty we had to get drinks... (this girl next to me can't make a regular face for a picture! it's pretty comical, really)

Hope captured some lens flare...

Came across SHARTLESVILLE!!! :D

When we finally got back, I ended up eating tooooo many cherries. Mmmm... I think I'll go have some now. Actually not, it's pancake day- I always used to make blueberry pancakes for my friends, so we're going to have a huge breakfast and stuff ourselves silly. *love and kisses, hugs and misses*

Friday, July 24


We're here! It's been 2 days... I told you I couldn't stay away. :D So, I ended up getting 1 & 1/2 hours of sleep before we left for the airport, and I was going cross-eyed the entire day from being soooo sleepy. It was a little comical. Anyway, we flew in, got picked up, and went straight to Lorenzo's. That's what I love about my friend Christin, she's all business. ; ) Anyway, here's a bit of what we've been up to:

Hope was amazed by this at the airport. She was pretty funny about it and you better believe she's looking forward to getting back and using it again.

This is where we are staying. So pretty.

Feeding this giant food baby growing in my belly. Please note the word *food*. I am not pregnant, but seem to be eating like I am... I never eat crap like this...

That's all for now. We are having such a lovely time. Tomorrow we are going to Allentown and Bethlehem, and throwing together a giant whiffle ball game. I'll have lots more pictures to share very soon!

Wednesday, July 22

Farewells and Robins

Well, it's just about midnight, I'm supposed to leave in 3 hours, and I haven't finished packing. Oh well, I'll get there... for now, I'm gonna sit in my bed and enjoy this moment of nothing. I mean, yes I'm typing, but it's nice to just unwind. I closed my shop on Sunday, but it's taken me until today to get everything finished and shipped off. Plus, we had to wrap up the recording we've been doing for the better part of the year and have a farewell party for our drummer/friend Ryan, who is abandoning us for recording school in AZ. I keep telling him he'll be sweaty there, but he never listens... :D So, here's your final bye bye, R. Hope AZ treats you kindly.

Ha ha-- as if it wasn''t bad enough that I had this photo made into a GIANT face cake, now it's on the blog! Hee, hee... there's a story behind this-- it includes a car wreck, a show, and a lot of pain killers...

I hope all of you have a wonderful next couple of weeks. I'd like to say that I'll stay away, but who knows... I may just like you toooooo much.... ; )

P.S. I am making myself one of these when I get back. Every time I look through my photos I decide I need one in my house to keep my doli Miss Bows company.



Yesterday, I got the sweetest surprise in the mail! Doli Miss Bows! I was not expecting her, and my husband swears he was not behind it. I'm not sure who sent her, but THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! She is absolutely perfect-- definitely one of my most favorite things in my studio!

Check out Misako Mimoko and all of her other awesome plushies. She's amazing!

Saturday, July 18

The Last Waltz

Okay, so I wish our last show was as great as the Last Waltz, but it was fun all the same. Rather than posting a ton of photos, I'll just post a few + a montage. I'm feeling a little sad about it all today... the last song we played last night was definitely a bit teary...

That's that Mattress Man. It was a ride. P.S. My BF Rebecca took most of these.

Friday, July 17

Featured on Cuteable

I got a little note saying I was featured on Cuteable today. :) So fun to be grouped in with so many other sweeties!

You can also find my little panda couple on the super awesome Plush You site! Stop by for a visit if you get a chance.

Our show was CRAZY last night-- so fun and so... um... well, I'm not sure. We have one more tonight, and we're hoping to go out with a bang... but maybe less of a bang than the previous night... :D Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, July 16

It's Closing Time, Baby!

For vacation, of course. I definitely don't want to freak anyone out! We are leaving for PA next Wed, so I'll be closing my shop for 2 weeks on Sun or Mon. If you want to squeeze an order in before then, that can be arranged. Do it, do it. I'm off to fill my day with sewing, switching out Blythe hairs, and prepping for my show tonight (no nervousness for me at this point!).

P.S. If you scroll down an extra bit, you can read about Johnny cutting his hair off and donating it. My posts are sort of out of whack. Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, July 15

Random Pictures

Hope and I took some Polaroids over the fourth...

I love the color in the expired film that we scored. It makes everything feel like it's from a different time-- I <3 old photos. :D

A picture that makes me really happy:

This was the first courtesy photo I've gotten for the wedding cake toppers, it's just taken me a while to post it. My owls look very happy there. :D Tomorrow I'll have more to say-- I'm not a great typer @ 2 in the morning for some reason...

Tuesday, July 14

A Fun Game

Yesterday, we played a fun game at my house. It's a game I've been ready to play for some time, which I've named Locks of Love. Here's the context: "Hey, Johnny. Want to play Locks of Love today?" He would just grin and shrug me off. Of course, I would never REALLY push him to chop his hair, it's just the running joke in our house. It did finally happen, though, and Johnny feels better already. Plus, the hair is ready to be donated.


Ick. The during hair is pretty gross. Hope did have a lot of fun cutting his hair, though. Here's the after:

Now my boy has boy hair. Honestly, I'm lucky just to have gotten an after picture. Getting pics of this guy is like pulling teeth...

We have two shows this weekend, so hopefully I'll have some interesting photos of fun band times to share very soon. These are our last two shows with our current drummer, which is sad, but at least we get to make the most of it! *hugs and goodnight*

Saturday, July 11


Look at this doll:

Saving for vacation is soooooooooooo hard!

Thursday, July 9

More Snails!

I've been working on bunches of snails over the past couple of weeks, and I thought I'd share the ones I have around today. :)

This one is my current favorite:

But this one comes in a close second:

Hope your day is lovely!


Not exactly shop related, but a lot of you have been contacting me about Blythes, so I thought I'd let you know that I have a Blythe up on Ebay. Check her out if you're interested.

I should have snails to show tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, July 7


It's taken me a little while to get around to finishing her, but I think she was worth it! She's so fluffy and sweet...

If she looks a bit speckly, it's because she's made out of sparkly white felt. The fabric inside of her wings is my current favorite and I've been dying to use it. That, plus fluffy candy pink hair = horsie/pegasus fun! I'm putting her in the shop now, so if you're interested, you know where to find her. :)