Monday, June 1

I Love Surprises!

I loooooovvvve surprises! So, imagine my excitement when I received this in the mail last week:

Hooray for dream dresses! THEN, imagine my surprise when this came today:

Super duper, wonderfully cuter in person. I adore it-- I'm feeling so spoiled! Johnny takes pretty good care of me, I'd have to say. :) Tonight I broke out the slouchy summer boots, braided my hair (yay, it's finally long enough!!!), and enjoyed my new dress hanging with someone who has become very dear to me. I love her.

Then, another friend made us the yummiest dinner. I ate too much, got a tummy ache from too much dairy (so worth it), and finished my day with Super Mario 3. My very dull start this morning ended up being a pretty wonderful day. I hope yours was just as lovely. xo Katie


  1. I'm so jealous - those are both adorable!

    Jennifer Nicole

  2. Who made these dresses? Are they available on-line? I love them... Thanks!!
