Tuesday, March 31

Goodmorning, Little Gentleman

I typically don't post every time I make the front page of Etsy, but this morning I opened the homepage and found my owl Gentleman Swappie gracing the front page and had to share. He looks so handsome!

I know numbers don't really mean that much (except for a little pride and a little prize!), but I am about to hit 400 sales, and I'm super stoked-- I already know what my reward is! My newest Blythe (see pic below) has already left me for California (thank you SO MUCH Johnny!), where she is staying with a woman who will customize her and make her more beautiful than ever! I can't wait to get her back!

I hope your week is lovely so far! xo Katie

Saturday, March 28

My Week, the Blur

This week has been crazy. It seems like I'm saying this most weeks, these days. The nice weather has been amazing... oh, scratch that. Today it's supposed to snow. Have I mentioned how ridiculous this is? Anyway, the shop has been super busy AND I was doing a secret project that consumed me for days... I just couldn't get inspired by it. Unfortunately, I really can't even share until June or July or something. Sorry. I hate teasers.

We went back into the city this week to return Johnny's most recent vintage guitar purchase that really did end up being *too good to be true*. I acquired some banana yellow flats and a great skirt while I was there, so the trip was doubly enjoyable. Plus, the camera shop there let me know that my camera is mostly "unfixable" and I'm best off to buy a new one. So much for the new roller skates I was planning on buying. Tennis, you're just going to have to cut it for a bit longer...

Last night we did more recording in the studio, but mostly ended up goofing off and having wet toilet paper wad fights. It started with Hope, then escalated to whipping them up at the ceiling. Sometimes we are way too much like little kids. Hope would also bang on the door shouting, "Police, open up!" Then as soon as you would open the door she would run away. I don't think she entirely grasped the concept...

Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely weekend full of sunshine... mine will be dreary and cold, and a bit lonely. I'm waiting on my new Blythe to come in the mail, and my desperation is getting sadder and sadder (so melodramatic, right?). So, just so you aren't taking that seriously at all, I'm perfectly capable of keeping myself company, and I'm not at all dependent on a doll (though, lately when I'm out shooting pics of my Blythe people keep looking at me like I'm crazy). Do something lovely, I'll see you next week!

I first saw this on the Roadside Projects blog this week and I can't stop thinking about it. I wish it would be out sooner!

Oh, and if you watch the Office, please tell me you're going as nuts as I am! I feel like I'm being completely jerked around... what's going to happen?!!!! Anticipation is getting the best of me...

Tuesday, March 24

You Make Me Feel Special

Dear Most Favorite Flea Market,

You make a good day better. I appreciate your vintage doll clothing selection that has magically appeared, as if just for me. You make me happy, you make my Blythe happy, and you make my camera happy. Here are some thank you pictures from my day yesterday:

After we left you, we went to the park for a very windy photo shoot and lots of running around. It was bliss. I will be back soon for more vintage goodness. Until then, stock up.

Love, Katie

Sunday, March 22

Slightly MIA...

Blogging has been a little hit and miss lately, partially because of being busy with shop stuff (thanks to everyone who has ordered swappies!) and partially because Missouri keeps teasing us with nice weather. This is really a horrible place to live, as far as temperature change and constant allergies go. Yesterday was rainy and cold, and today was amazing. We spent most of the day riding bikes, throwing the frisbee, and playing whiffle ball. Oh, whiffle ball. A couple of years ago we had this group of friends that we somehow bonded with over whiffle ball, and ever since then it's been a magical game. Most of those friends have even moved away, but the game lives on.

So, here's to you Amy, my dear, and you too Mike; my sunshine eskimo friend Justin; and especially you today, Christin. Happy Birthday and I love you.

Thursday, March 19

Dresses Please?


I'm stepping away from the computer now...

Wednesday, March 18

I Almost Forgot...

I don't know how this slipped my mind, but everyone who orders a bunny from the shop before Easter will get a fun little surprise along with it! I'm excited just to pick these out!

Oh, also, some Skunkboy Love is going out today. I know who it is!!!!

Tuesday, March 17

Antler Magazine

Antler is a new online fashion magazine, with a lot to offer. They don't focus solely on fashion; they dabble in a lot of different things to bring something new to the table. I'm proud to be part of the first issue, and I hope that the magazine just grows and grows!

Sunday, March 15

Sunday Treats Make Happy Faces

Sometimes my brother-in-law is the best. Today he brought me this:

I have a weakness for Rice Krispie Treats and now my belly hurts. I guess you're not supposed to eat half of it in one day....

I need to get upstairs and do some packing, but I'll probably go right back to this:

It's way too much fun.

Friday, March 13

Today I Listened to "Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness" Over and Over and Remembered Just How Great it is

Today was a grumpy/wonderful day. How does that even happen? Whenever I have too much going on at once I tend to stress... this leads to grumpy Katie, which, if you hadn't already guessed, is NO fun. So, my day went from "I'm sitting in my jammies fixing and conditioning Blythe hair", to "I'm stressing out because I have people coming over tonight and there's laundry everywhere", to taking a trip to the next town over, and finding some darling treasures. Once I was coaxed out of my funk, it was a good time.

I found this awesome lamp some time last year, but was completely unwilling to pay what the price tag wanted. When we went back today it was still there and the owner of the place was ready to see it go. This worked out well for me, being that I'm completely in love with it!

We also found a vintage pinball machine... not a full size one, but also not a mini one. It dings and keeps score and everything... well, it's just a ton of fun and completely addictive.

I found these two treasure last weekend when we went out of town to visit some friends. The antique store they took us to was completely amazing. There was an old wash bin full of vintage buttons (which Hope went crazy for) and the upstairs was all vintage toys and dolls. I felt like I was in heaven! I somehow only came home with this little red riding hood doll (who blinks... hee, hee!) and the vintage block K. I guess they were my very favorites... or, at least the only things I was willing to spend the money on...

These new friends are in the shop:

Hope loved the yellow bunny so much that she took her for show and tell this week. It completely warms my heart when she gets so excited about the animals that she wants to take them to school and show them off.

Well, I hope you all have another wonderful weekend, and you won't think I'm too much of a grumpy person. I think it's the sun... this morning it was peeking out and I got so motivated... then it went away and I just had another gray day on my hands. Come on, Missouri. It's time for Spring! In the meantime, I'll just have to work hard at dealing with it a little better (+ more treasure hunting)...

Wednesday, March 11

Here's the Notice

I'm sorry for the short amount of notice... the good news is that the SWAPPIES ARE IN THE SHOP! There is one bunny listed, though I have another cute one made (in the sweet yellow swiss dot fabric) and ready to be photographed. There will also be a wider variety of Swappies by the end of the week. I just realized how busy I'm about to get (weekend) and I wanted this taken care of. Thanks for all the Swappie love... I love you too! I will be sending out some Skunkboy Love in the form of a Swappie at the beginning of the week! xo

Monday, March 9

More Swappies!

Here's a sneak peek into my Swappie goodness:

A sweet little yellow lady made from vintage swiss dot material...

A green polka dotted gentleman...

They are quite the happy family.

And here's a fun little bunny. She's not a Swappie, though she is small. She'll probably come packed inside a large(r) easter egg, for... well, Easter. I'm thinking of running a limited edition bunny set. I will have a hard time letting go of her... she's such a cutie pie!

Hopefully I'll have the Swappies in the shop by the end of the week, but I definitely want to have more to offer before they are listed. I'll give a date in the next couple of days. Have a wonderful night! xoxo

Friday, March 6

Farewell to Another Week

I can't believe the weekend is here already! I hope you will get to go outside and really enjoy it!

I'll have more Swappies to share on Monday!

Spring Spring!

Curse you UO. I've had my shopping under control... that is, until the weather turned beautiful (like 75 degrees) and I happened upon your lovely spring dresses. I want.

Lovely yellow apron dress

Sweet cotton sundress

Sailor romper? Yes please.

Okay, time to leave this computer and go outside. It is so beautiful! Also, I'm gearing up for some disco bowling tonight-- Eric, don't let me down!

Thursday, March 5

For Your Listening Pleasure...

I'm enjoying the weather and taking care of a small girl with Bronchitis (which don't really go hand in hand), so I thought I'd just share a song and head back upstairs to coddle my little one. Happy (no jury duty this week) Thursday.

Wednesday, March 4

Oh, My... It's Wednesday?

I don't know where my week has gone. I can't believe Wednesday is already here! Here's what I've been working on this week:

These little friends are a custom order that is getting ready to leave for Canada.

This little sweetie is hopefully a bit of fun! She's my newest endeavor-- Skunkboy Swappies. They are hand-size animals ready for trading. How great would that be? Swap animals with friends? I want someone to trade with me! Anyway, any feedback on this would be great-- I can't decide if I'm acting too much like a little kid about this.

That's all for now... I'm off to go Blythe shooting with Hope!