Tuesday, January 20

Valentines in the Shop on Friday!!!

I will be filling my shop with Valentines on Friday. Hopefully I'll have the rest of the flower collection done by then. I'm still working on my "sweet" and "my all." vases. I also had to make some new sweetheart owls for this occasion, so you will also find them in the shop on Friday. Without further delay, here are some pics that I promised:

The picture above is from earlier today. Hope said I should share it because they look like they're having a party when they're altogether. And here's an image of how my day is going:

Taking pictures is never easy, because Lucy has developed into a full-blown kitten and she's nuts! Hope and I are both home sick, trying to relax, and Lucy has been terrorizing us all day. I'm hoping to get better soon. It's been about 2 weeks of being sick and I'm just sick of being sick! Anyway, enough pouting... have a lovely day!


  1. Can you'r Olws get any cuter? I love them!!!

  2. Lucy is PRECIOUS - and terrorize and kitten do belong in one sentence. Right alongside adorable, precious and lovable. :)

  3. Oh my! Your awesome flowers! Finally they will be in the shop! Yay!
