Sunday, October 26


After much cutting and commencement of bath time Hope picked the winner for the giveaway. I have to say that I really would love for everyone to win, but I am very excited that this girl did. She lives in Indonesia, which is where my best friend Amy is getting ready to go. Ready for the name? It's (duh duh da da...):

Bin aka binal!!!!

I'm so very excited for you! Congratulations!


  1. OH MY GOD!
    This is the first time I win a give away!

    Terimakasih banyak sekali Katie!
    (Thank you so much, Katie!)

  2. Oh this is embarrasing,
    I am so excited to win that
    I forgot to give you my email address:

    Thank you Katie!

    Binal AKA Vantiani

    PS: Which part of Indonesia
    where Amy will visit next week?

  3. congrats bin! you lucky ducky!!!
